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 Icc 10 3rd

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Posts : 80
Join date : 2009-11-22
Age : 38
Location : Minden, LA

Icc 10 3rd Empty
PostSubject: Icc 10 3rd   Icc 10 3rd I_icon_minitimeThu May 27, 2010 12:13 am

Icc 10 3rd Affraid It seems with the new additions from our sister guild we have enough to put together a third group for Icc 10. Though this week may seem slow to some I am having a hard time finding a good time for you all to run it. Im thinking of wed from 7 - 10/11 pm server time and if possible a pick up fridays. Let me know what you all think.

IF you do not run with the guild this week because of our adjusting to the expantion of the guild please feel free to pug it this week. After RL is decided for the 3rd core group, He/She will take care of setting the times and invites etc.

Any questions you may have please feel free to PM me or wsp me in game. I will answer them as best i possibly can. Icc 10 3rd Icon_bounce
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Icc 10 3rd Empty
PostSubject: Re: Icc 10 3rd   Icc 10 3rd I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 08, 2010 2:52 pm

For those interested in joining a third group please read below and respond to this post.

I have been asked to lead the third group for the next few weeks. I just want everyone to understand that I am doing this until June 24 after that I will be afk for 5 weeks. At that time I will ask someone who regularly raids with the group to assume the lead, or try to see if Inkblade can take the lead after she gets back around June 28.

Zindagee has posted the current main raiding time and date on the game calendar, but I (Grendhal) will be the leader. I will be going as either a tank or dps, depending on the makeup of the group. I have not tanked past the second boss, but with my shaman Mashaw I have gotten past the first 6 as dps. I do know most of the fights, but like everyone learn something each time I get into the run. What I would ask is that anyone going be geared (a wow-heros gear score of about 2.6k is preferable). I will be looking at those signed up, and will invite based on what is needed and their score. Understand I will not carry anyone through this raid. It is hard enough with properly geared toons, and one low toon can bring down the group.

One thing everyone will need is vent. If you do not have it do not bother signing up. I can explain things better verbaly then typing. During fights I do not want to try to type and fight at the same time. I do not care if you do not have a mic, but you have to be able to hear.

The makeup of the group will need to be as follows
2 tanks
2 or 3 heals - preferably 2 heals as dps is important
2 mellee dps - on the second boss hunters are considered mellee
3 or 4 ranged - preferably 4 ranged as most fights are a dps race

Please understand that there will be a short explaination of each boss fight, but it is your responsibility to research each fight before entering the raid. There are postings in the forums or you can go to tankspot to get videos to watch. If I find that you are not pulling your weight, and expect to get carried through I will boot you. Everyone has better things to do then babysit someone and wipe on most bosses.

My loot rules are ms first os second. I will make an effort to make sure that the loot is getting distributed evenly, but things happen. Armor loot will go on a class ms first basis. The way this works is for a shaman mail armor is ms, cloth and leather are os, so if a mage needs for ms then he can roll, but if a mage needs for os then both can roll. I would ask that you look and be considerate, so if you are rolling for os and someone that could get a upgrade for ms in the example above you let the ms have it.

Things not needed by ms or os will be put into the GB either by being sold and money deposited or by disenchanting and mats being deposited.

You might think things are harsh, but I have done this too many time and spent lots of money on repairs to know that things can get frustrating.

If you have any questions or thoughts feel free to post them, or look for me in the game. I have 3 toons I run my 80 shaman Mashaw, 80 warrior Grendhal, and my 50 mage Destan.
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Icc 10 3rd Empty
PostSubject: Continuation   Icc 10 3rd I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 6:00 am

The continuation of the 6/9/10 run is scheduled for Monday 6/14/10 at 7:35 server. Dana I invited your alt since I could not get your name to come up, so please keep that in mind.
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Icc 10 3rd Empty
PostSubject: Re: Icc 10 3rd   Icc 10 3rd I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 2:07 pm

Okay, Thanks for the post.
But just for future reference, the alt code is Alt 145 Wink [Dæna]
Thank you once again for the date I shall put it on my calendar at once! Hope to down some more bosses or at least do dreamwalker.
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Icc 10 3rd Empty
PostSubject: Re: Icc 10 3rd   Icc 10 3rd I_icon_minitime

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